Being an avid nature junkie and explorer, tearing myself away from my Spectrum internet is no problem at all. In fact, technology is the last thing I miss when on a camping trip. The things I do miss are usually essentials I forgot to pack for the trip. After years of trial and error, I have come up with a list of high-utility camping items that I will discuss in this blog below.
The Top 5 Camping Gear to Have in 2020
Being closer to nature has been proven to have a positive impact on physical and mental wellbeing. It can be almost therapeutic to get away from fast-paced urban living and just take some time to relax with a few close friends or family. Unfortunately, your camping trip can quickly go from idyllic getaway to a logistics nightmare if you aren’t careful with what you pack. Luckily, this curated list of 5 essential camping items can help you reduce the risk of your camping trip going away:
1. Anker Tactical Flashlight
2. Best Choice Zero Gravity Lounge Chair
3. Repel Insect Repellent
4. MalloMe Mess Kit
5. S.O.L Survival Kit
Let’s take a closer look at these items below.
Anker Tactical Flashlight
The Anker Tactical Flashlight is a modern take on a conventional camping item. Remember, there will be little to no artificial lighting or power sources on a camping trip. That means having a handy flashlight can be useful when you suddenly need to head out of camp after dusk. Anker’s rechargeable flashlight comes with 5 light settings. This includes an SOS signal as well as a strobe effect. The powerful LED flashlight delivers 900 lumens of light that can make almost 2 football fields light up. Without a doubt, it’s one of the most essential utility items on a modern camping trip.
Best Choice Zero Gravity Lounge Chair
Lounge chairs offer you the luxury of having someplace comfortable to rest your caboose after a long day driving or hiking or other outdoor activity. The problem is, most lounge chairs make a bulky addition to your camping equipment, and can be hard to carry around everywhere. Unless you get some Zero Gravity lounge chairs from Best Choice. Weighing only 16 pounds, these chairs unfold into a comfortable lounger and can be packed into a compact shape for easy handling.
Repel Insect Repellent
Don’t ever think bug spray is optional on a camping trip. Unless of course, you love offering up yourself as a sacrifice to the tiny residents of any outdoor space. Insects can be a nuisance, flying into your campfire, tent, light, and just about anyplace else. Thi9s is why the Repel insect repellent should be a top priority on your camping checklist. Thanks to its 10-hour formula, the repellant protects you from bugs for a longer period of time, and its compact size allows it to fit in a standard-sized pocket. Kiss your malaria worries goodbye.
MalloMe Mess Kit
Unless you’re on one of those live-off-the-land-like-early-humans camping trips, the chances are you and your campmates will be cooking and serving food a lot. Utensils such as pots, pans, bowls, spoons, forks, and knives make handling food easier and less messy. But keeping track of all your utensils and making sure they’re clean can be quite the chore. That’s not to mention how much they clutter up your camping bags. A 10 piece mess kit like the one from MalloMe is lightweight, easy to clean, and much easier to pack into a single unit. Make your life easier.
S.O.L Survival Kit
Outdoor living is all about survival. This is why the Survive Outdoor Longer or S.O.L. multi-function survival kit is one of the best camping purchases you can make. It is my favorite too! The kit contains just about any item you could need in an emergency while camping. That includes a sparker, a knife, a fire starter, nylon rope, a compass, a fishing kit, sewing materials, and even military-grade steel wire.
Most importantly the kit uses extremely lightweight and durable materials. For me, that means even if something bad happens, the S.O.L. survival kit can help increase my chances of getting back home to catch the It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia reruns on my Spectrum TV.
Camping can be fun, but it also demands careful and responsible planning. If you have any camping essentials you would like to add to the list, let us know in the comments below.