Grades of Varicocele: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment in Bangalore

 Varicocele is a condition of abnormally large, twisted and painful veins in the scrotum. The condition is more prevailing than you might know of. The condition of varicocele is predominant in young males and can develop for various reasons. The major common reasons for varicocele are injury, infection, trauma, blockage of spermatic cord, etc. 

Generally, varicocele causes symptoms like heaviness, pain and swelling in the scrotal area. These are the general symptoms.Let’s look at the different grades of varicocele and the extent of symptoms associated with each grade.

4 grades of varicocele are as follows:

Grade 0 Varicocele- This stage marks the beginning of varicocele. Grade 0 varicoceles mostly go unnoticed by an individual as there are no major physical symptoms. In medical terms, the grade 0 varicocele is known as subclinical varicocele. The name suggest that the varicocele at this stage cannot be detected physically and only through the ultrasounds of the scrotum

Grade 1 Varicocele- A varicocele is still not detectable through physical check up as it is very small in size. When a doctor suspects grade 1 varicocele in a patient, they ask the patient to do a particular breathing exercise that exerts some pressure on the scrotum. The breathing exercise is called Valsalva Maneuver in which the patient holds their breath as they bear down.  This enables a doctor to check for the lump of distended and damaged veins in the scrotal region. Hence, it is a simple physical examination that is not at all time consuming or complicated.

Grade 2 Varicocele- This is one of the advanced stages of varicocele. Although varicoceles are still not visible at this stage, detecting them does not require any additional breathing exercises to be performed. Grade 2 varicoceles can be diagnosed without valsalva maneuver as well. The enlargement of the veins is quite evident and the doctor can detect this enlargement without any extra pressure on the scrotum. If Grade 2 varicoceles are left unattended, the chances of complications can increase significantly.

Grade 3 Varicocele- This is the most severe and complicated grade of varicocele. The damaged veins look dark blue to purple in color and are quite unsightly. In addition to this, varicocele grows quite big and pushes aside the testicle that causes the testicle to shrink. This condition of deformity of testicles is called testicular atrophy. Testicular atrophy along with varicocele have negative impacts on fertility. By this stage, a male starts noticing symptoms such as premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and other infertility issues. And, yes other symptoms such as pain, swelling and discomforts also become unbearable to live with.Hence, the necessity of treatment becomes immediate. 

Varicocele is a condition of abnormally large, twisted and painful veins in the scrotum. The condition is more prevailing than you might know of. The condition of varicocele is predominant in young males and can develop for various reasons. The major common reasons for varicocele are injury, infection, trauma, blockage of spermatic cord, etc.
Generally, varicocele causes symptoms like heaviness, pain and swelling in the scrotal area. These are the general symptoms.Let’s look at the different grades of varicocele and the extent of symptoms associated with each grade.

4 grades of varicocele are as follows:

Grade 0 Varicocele- This stage marks the beginning of varicocele. Grade 0 varicoceles mostly go unnoticed by an individual as there are no major physical symptoms. In medical terms, the grade 0 varicocele is known as subclinical varicocele. The name suggest that the varicocele at this stage cannot be detected physically and only through the ultrasounds of the scrotum
Grade 1 Varicocele- A varicocele is still not detectable through physical check up as it is very small in size. When a doctor suspects grade 1 varicocele in a patient, they ask the patient to do a particular breathing exercise that exerts some pressure on the scrotum. The breathing exercise is called Valsalva Maneuver in which the patient holds their breath as they bear down. This enables a doctor to check for the lump of distended and damaged veins in the scrotal region. Hence, it is a simple physical examination that is not at all time consuming or complicated.
Grade 2 Varicocele- This is one of the advanced stages of varicocele. Although varicoceles are still not visible at this stage, detecting them does not require any additional breathing exercises to be performed. Grade 2 varicoceles can be diagnosed without valsalva maneuver as well. The enlargement of the veins is quite evident and the doctor can detect this enlargement without any extra pressure on the scrotum. If Grade 2 varicoceles are left unattended, the chances of complications can increase significantly.
Grade 3 Varicocele- This is the most severe and complicated grade of varicocele. The damaged veins look dark blue to purple in color and are quite unsightly. In addition to this, varicocele grows quite big and pushes aside the testicle that causes the testicle to shrink. This condition of deformity of testicles is called testicular atrophy. Testicular atrophy along with varicocele have negative impacts on fertility. By this stage, a male starts noticing symptoms such as premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and other infertility issues. And, yes other symptoms such as pain, swelling and discomforts also become unbearable to live with. Hence, the necessity of treatment becomes immediate.

Varicocele treatment in Bangalore

Now that you are aware of the symptoms and their severity with each grade of varicocele. It must have become clear as to why the timely treatment is necessary. In an advanced city like Bangalore, there are various treatment options for varicocele. However, not all of the treatments are equally effective and beneficial. Some treatments carry the chances of recurrence, side effects and complications.
Thus, it is very crucial to be aware of the best treatment for varicocele that is possible in Bangalore. Fortunately, the best treatment with zero side effects and complications exists. So, let us gain an insight into the modern and permanent treatment of varicocele in Bangalore

Laparoscopic varicocelectomy- modern painless treatment of varicocele

Currently, the most advanced advanced treatment for varicocele is laparoscopic varicocelectomy. During the laparoscopic surgery for varicocele, the surgeon shuts off supply through the damaged veins with the help of laparoscopic equipment passed into the scrotum through small incisions in the groin region.
Once the damaged veins get sealed, blood starts flowing through healthier scrotal veins and then the surgeon closes the incisions using sutures. This resolves the problem permanently as the veins collapse in the absence of blood flow.

Benefits of laparoscopic varicocele treatment:

Laparoscopic varicocelectomy is performed under influence of anesthesia and is 100% painless.
It is a minimally invasive surgery. No long term scars and wounds left behind to heal.
It is a quick surgery and the patient does not need to stay in the hospital for long.
The risk of intraoperative and postoperative complications is very low.
No major restrictions on the lifestyle and a few simple instructions to be followed for a few days only.
Laparoscopic varicocelectomy has a short downtime and the patient recovers in less than a week.
In Bangalore, Pristyn Care is one of the most reliable healthcare providers that offers the modern laparoscopic varicocele surgery. Pristyn Care is currently also one of the fastest growing healthcare chains in India. It is too easy to connect with Pristyn Care in Bangalore and other major cities by booking an online appointment. You can visit their website to book the appointment and one of the medical coordinators will connect with you for further assistance.

Final Words

Varicocele can turn quite serious if left untreated for a long time. Therefore, it is extremely important to identify the varicocele at an early stage so that any complications do not arise. And, if you notice any symptoms, do not ignore or procrastinate seeking a doctor for help. Reach out to a specialist and undergo the necessary treatment to save yourself from the unwanted troubles and complications of varicocele