Air Cooler or Air Conditioner: Which One to Get

 This is an age-old debate. While some say that air coolers are the better choice to go, others argue it to be air conditioners. You can rent appliances in Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Delhi, and many other places as well and give them a trial run to see if they suit your purpose. But that is pretty elaborate a process to go about. Rather, you could just take a look at the comparisons that we have drawn between the two, namely air conditioners and air coolers. Take a look at the facts that we have laid down for you and conclude your decision accordingly.

Air conditioners and air coolers- a comparison 

Every appliance that technology has provided for us, has its utility. Air conditioners and air coolers have their specific fields of function. Yes, they surely share the common function of your surrounding environment. But they function differently in different climates and weather. We have made a comparative study of both of these appliances regarding three the variation of their performances in three different fields namely price, cooling effect, and energy efficiency. Read on and you will soon understand which one is the one you would like to go with. 

  • Cooling capacity

Air conditioners and air coolers are both equally good in the jobs that they are meant to function. The difference is that they function efficiently in different climate conditions and weather. While air coolers function better in drier climate conditions air conditioners are more effective elsewhere. Air coolers replace the air inside the room with fresh air from the outside where air conditioner refreshes the ad inside the room time and again.

  • Price

If you are to buy up adog food air conditioner or air cooler, both would require quite an amount for you to pay. Neither of them is too cheap. But if you were to draw a comparison between the two in this aspect, air coolers would cost you a tad bit lesser than air conditioners. Air conditioners would take up a lot of space on your electricity bills as well.

  • Energy efficiency and noise control

Air coolers are way more energy efficient than air conditioners. They are at least 70% to 80% more energy efficient than air conditioners. However, in the field of noise caused air conditioners would be the real winners. Air coolers cause quite a lot of noise. It does become quite difficult to be in their presence constantly.

You can also opt for rent furniture in Ahmedabad, but we would always encourage you to go with the option of purchasing a particular piece of furniture and especially any appliances. That just seems to be a safer option to go with. You can decide upon which appliance you would like to opt for between air conditioners and air coolers and purchase the same from a reputed shop and a repeated company. It would come with a guarantee and warranty periods which you can use later in case anything went wrong.