Billionaire Hemp Wraps

When you find something 100% pure, then there remains not any kind of situation which allows you to be sad. Our Billionaire Hemp Wraps is purely made up of hemp. You will not find a small amount of nicotine or any other kinds of additives.

Chemicals are harmful for health:

Health of our privileged customers is the most valued asset. We never compromise on the health of our customers. Additives which other companies add they actually play with the health of their customers and that we do not consider an ethical business practice. Pure form of herb you will enjoy the most. You can enjoy it without any kind of worry with amazing hemp papers. You will have it in different flavors. Some have a pungent smell and some are delighted. Choose the one which you like the most.

 Specialty of our product:

In one pack we offer 2 wraps which is an amazing deal for our consumers. Get along with it packing straws. If you purchase a full box you will get 25 packs. We offer special discounts to retail business owners. You will earn a reasonable profit, which will make you an expert of making some deals of heaven. Our company always first thinks of the people with whom we work, and then our consumers become happy. With offering quality we have learnt to win the trust of our customers.

Easy to roll:

Sometimes rolling feels the most painstaking task. But when you use the right material, nothing feels so difficult. Running as fast with a drill inside you creates some happiness inside you. But when a task is left with some bit of deficiencies then you get in regret. That is why when you make your wrap do it with a bit of precaution. 

So become the master of this trade and every roll you make. You make it with perfection. It is about winning inside you. 


Avoid complexities of making:

You will not find any kind of difficulty in making your roll. These you will find as flat sheets which are attached with one another. You can easily detach your required material. After separating, fill it with your favorite herbs and tobacco. Roll it and have it to enjoy.


Some important processes:

·        Crush your cannabis flower in a very fine way. Until you do not become satisfied before smoking. But make sure not to create so many tiny particles that it seems like dust.

·        Your expertise is required here when you have to flatten your Hemp Wraps because during placement of ground flower on its top, we have to save it from edges. The maximum material we have to place at the center. So be careful!

·        It is good to move it a little bit back and forth, so that strips get open to its edges.

·         When you finish your task, we mean that after packing. Then it is better to put some moisture on the glue strip and at least for a minute hold it. In this way material will be safe in a proper way. 

·        Close the edges at one end, fasten it and the second end place a filter of your favorite cigarette.

·        You will start having a feeling that a delicious Wrap has been made.

Exciting information:

 We tell our consumers that our wraps are 100% pure and no CBD is added into it. We have tested again and again and then launched in the international market. It is about producing quality and giving quality. That is the motive of our business. If consumers are satisfied then it is our success.