What Causes Electrical Blackouts

According to the American Society of Civil Engineers, there are more than 3,500 electricity blackouts in the U.S. every year. They last for almost an hour on average.

Most people will experience at least one or two of these electricity blackouts each year. But what causes electrical blackouts to actually occur?

That's a question that you may be asking yourself right now if you had to live through a power outage in the U.S. recently. So we're going to break it down for you below.

Continue reading to find out the answer to the question, "What causes power outages?". We've also included some information on preventing power outages in the first place.

What Are Electrical Blackouts?

An electrical blackout, which is also known as a power outage, is what happens when electricity is unavailable to a large number of homes and businesses in a particular area.

If a single home loses power, it's usually because of an electrical issue within that specific home. But when a group of homes in a neighborhood, a town, or even a city loses power, it's a much larger issue that can typically be traced back to an electric company.

For one reason or another, that electric company isn't able to provide these homes with the electricity that they need to stay up and running.

What Causes Electrical Blackouts?

When an electrical blackout causes a collection of homes to lose power, the first thing that everyone in those homes will wonder is, "What just happened?" They'll scramble to try to figure out why their home and the homes that surround it are all without power.

So, what causes electrical blackouts? Well, it could actually be any number of things.

In some cases, inclement weather will cause a power outage. In others, malfunctioning electrical equipment could be to blame for a power outage.

An electric company will scramble to try to find the source of a power outage. It'll help them to restore power to those who have lost it during an electrical blackout.

Is Preventing Power Outages Possible?

There are many instances in which preventing power outages won't be possible. Bad storms are going to take place every now and then, and when they do, they're going to cause some people to lose power.

But there are also plenty of situations in which preventing power outages is possible. For example, an electric company might be able to cut down on the number of power outages they're hit with each year by maintaining their equipment better.

Visit Utilityservice.net to find out about some of the steps that utility companies can take to prevent electrical blackouts.

More Electrical Blackouts Are Happening These Days Than Ever Before

Since there are some simple answers to the question, "What causes electrical blackouts?", you would think that electric companies would be able to get these electrical blackouts under control. But in reality, there are actually more of them taking place nowadays than ever before.

It's going to be important for electric companies to find ways in which to limit power outages. Otherwise, people might have to start learning how to work around them when they inevitably take place in the years to come.

Discover more about electricity blackouts and their causes by reading through the other articles posted on our blog.