There are more than 30 millionsmall businesses dotting the American landscape. Many of those are located in highly-developed urban areas, some dot the main streets of small-town USA, and some exist entirely online. Those businesses also straddle industries and come with deeply different power needs.

On top of that, some of those businesses must remain open during times when power is most likely to go out somewhere. Those varying needs help to account for why some small businesses invest in industrial diesel generators.

Not sure if you need one? Keep reading for three signs your business needs a generator.

1. You See Regular Power Outages

The electrical grid is, on the whole, fairly stable. Most people get up on most days and find that their power never flickered. Yet, that stability varies from location to location.

Rural communities often find their electricity is less reliable than you typically see in larger towns and cities. There is often less redundancy built into systems in sparsely populated areas. Let a tree fall on the wrong lines and it can leave most of a town without power.

If you live somewhere that regularly experiences power outages, buying a generator makes sense for your business.

2. You Work with Perishables

For some businesses, if the power goes out it's very inconvenient because the work stops. Yet, these businesses can typically just pack it up and come back the next day.

If your business deals in perishable items, power outages become a serious threat to your inventory. Let's say that you run a restaurant or grocery store. A power outage that goes on for more than a few hours can leave you with coolers and freezers filled with food you can cook or sell.

One of the main benefits of a generator is that it lets you power essentials, like coolers and freezers.

3. You Need Systems Operational

Some businesses work with processes that could become dangerous if interrupted mid-stream or leave their systems irreparably damaged.

For example, let's say your business works with chemicals. Chemical processes are notoriously tricky and often rely on processes that require specific action triggered at specific times. In other cases, your systems may contain sensitive or proprietary data that a sudden loss in power could damage.

Ensuring the safety of processes or even data can easily justify looking for generators for sale. Even if they just let you safely stop a process, it's often worth the investment.

Do You Need an Industrial Diesel Generator

Not every business needs an industrial diesel generator, but some businesses legitimately cannot get by with industrial generators. Businesses in areas with lots of power outages often need generators simply because they cannot rely on the local power grid.

Businesses that deal with perishable goods, such as restaurants and grocery stores, need generators because power outages can leave with lots of spoiled food. Some businesses need them because they have computers or processes that can't afford interruption.

Looking for more business tips? Check out the posts in our Business section.