How to Make Purified Water at Home

Drinking purified water is a great way to reduce your exposure to harmful contaminants and bacteria. The problem? It can be pretty expensive. Plus, you have to get it from the store. Who wants to go out and do that?

But worry not, purified water fans. There's actually a way to make your own purified after at home. Using a water filter system, you can have your own purified water and distilled water without leaving your house.

A miracle? Nope! Just the forward march of technology and a little bit of ingenuity.

Stay put and keep reading to learn how to make purified water at home.

Method #1: Heat

The classics are classic for a reason. An easy way to purify your water at home is to boil it! That's right, if you're concerned about harmful bacteria or contaminants in the water you have at home, try this.

You learned how this works in school. Bringing water to boiling temperature is very bad for the germs that call it home. Subjecting water to heat will kill off all those harmful bugs and make your water safe, potable, and delicious.

Just, you know, make sure you have a way to cool it back down.

Method #2: Off-The-Shelf Filters

We've all seen these kinds of water filter system advertised on TV. If you're looking for a method that's less labor-intensive than boiling a pan of water whenever you want a drink, then a filter is a good option.

How do they work? Just how they sound. Pour your water into the filter container and it will make its way through the filtration system at a slow pace. All the nasty stuff gets caught by the filter and what's left is tasty, cool, pure water.

If you're not so keen on having to plan every drink of water in advance, this makes a great alternative to boiling.

Method #3: A Water Distiller

If you're really serious about filtering your water, or you're thinking about becoming some kind of distilled water baron, here's the choice for you.

A water distiller is a heavy-duty solution for a heavy-duty problem. Namely that you want a vast quantity of water with an infinitesimal quantity of bugs and germs in it.

These industrial tools can sit in your kitchen and help you achieve those goals, should you want to. We're talking 30 liters in a single day. You'll never go thirsty again!

How to Make Purified Water? However Suits You!

And that's how to make purified water. Whether all you're looking for is a single glass of purified water, or enough clean liquid to fill a swimming pool, there's a solution for you here. Regardless of your needs, technology and human ingenuity is ready to provide you with an incredible solution.

So get out there and get hydrated!

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