What Are the 7 Chakras

The world of spirituality is filled with some common tenets that you should understand. Chakra systems have been studied and spoken about for years, particularly in Ancient African religious systems, Buddhism, Hinduism, and others. 

What are the 7 chakras and how do they bring about spiritual healing? We're glad to explain. 

Below is an explanation of the 7 chakras, what they are, what they do, and how you can get the most from them. 

What Are the 7 Chakras?

Start by getting to know the 7 chakras' meaning and how they fit into different areas of your body. 

These chakras are "wheels" of energy that are situated in seven different areas of the body. They are spiritual centers that correspond with nerve centers in organs and aspects of life and well-being. 

In addition to knowing where they are located, you should also get to know the 7 chakra symbols and colors. 

Understanding the chakras means understanding the link between mind, body, and spirit, and how you have to find balance with each. Studying these energy centers can help you learn to balance chakras and live a life of healing, intention, and purpose. 

1. Muladhara

This is known as the root chakra. The Muladhara is found at the base of the spine and is said to deal with our connection to physical life. 

When you hear people in spiritual conversations talk about grounding yourself or finding grounding in your energy, they're talking about the root chakra. The root chakra deals with survival and physical existence. 

So when your root chakra is out of balance, it likely also means that you have issues with money, shelter, food, and other basic needs. It's known for its red color. 

People often use affirmations to bring their chakras into balance. Reciting mantras involving financial abundance can help with this misalignment of root chakra energy.  

2. Svasdisthana

This chakra is found just below the navel. It's known as the sacral chakra and corresponds with the color orange. 

The Svasdisthana chakra deals with sexuality and creativity. Opening this chakra can help you improve your libido and have more outlets for your ideas and creative energy.  

3. Manipura

The Manipura chakra is found in the solar plexus area. This chakra is all about going with your "gut" and walking through life with confidence and self-assuredness. 

The solar plexus chakra features a yellow color and is essential to your sense of self-worth.  

4. Anahata

This chakra is aligned with the heart. When opening and balancing your heart chakra, it's easier for you to show love and receive it. 

The heart chakra is green in color and allows you to enjoy inner peace on a deeper level.  

5. Vishuddha

Once you have created your foundation, shored up your human needs, and opened your heart, the Vishuddha chakra allows you to communicate freely and openly.  

It's called the throat chakra and corresponds with your ability to express yourself. This chakra features a light blue color.  

6. Ajna

This is the chakra that corresponds with the "third eye." You've likely heard the third eye mentioned several times when dealing with spirituality. 

It involves your sixth sense and intuition about non-physical matters. The third eye chakra is found in the forehead area and features a dark blue or purple color.  

7. Sahasrara

Finally, the Sahasrara chakra is your direct connection to God, the Divine, Source Energy, or whatever construct you use to describe the force that permeates us all. 

Located at the top of the head, this crown chakra opens the gateway to your higher self. This chakra is violet in color.  

Get to Know the 7 Chakras

Now that you know more about the 7 chakras, you can begin exploring them as you find balance in your life. Start with these points as you begin walking your spiritual path.  

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