Tips on Teaching Your Kids the Importance of Brushing

Around 23 percent of five-year-olds have had dental decay, which shows how few children know how to properly brush their teeth. 

Teaching kids to look after their smile prevents cavities, encourages independence, and teaches them life-long habits. But getting kids interested in oral hygiene is difficult so it's important to have several tricks up your sleeve. Perhaps you're currently struggling with this and you want to teach your kids the importance of good oral health. 

Sounds like you? Don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place. Here are five tips on teaching your little one the importance of brushing. 

Let Your Kid Choose The Supplies

A creative way to teach your kid about regular brushing is to let them choose supplies. You could choose a kid-friendly oral kit complete with floss, a miniature bottle of mouthwash, and a colorful toothbrush. If your little one isn't interested, then let them choose a brush that features their favorite superhero or cartoon character.   

Teach Them To Hold A Brush

An essential part of good oral hygiene is knowing how to hold a toothbrush. This should be placed against the teeth at a 45-degree angle, keeping the bristles on the gumline. Help your little one move the toothbrush and make sure the brush so covers the tooth’s entire surface area.

Don’t worry if your child struggles to begin with, simply practice together every morning and evening until they’re confident.   

Make It Part Of Their Daily Routine

Maintaining your kid’s oral hygiene is a life-long process, so emphasize the importance of brushing their teeth every day.

If you’re struggling to motivate your child, link brushing-teeth time with another part of their routine. For instance, ask your little one to dress into their pajamas beforehand so they understand it’s part of their nighttime routine.   

Visit The Dentist

The best way to maintain your child’s oral health is by visiting the dentist twice a year. If you prolong a professional cleaning, then your little one will be afraid to go, especially if you’re hesitant yourself. 

To avoid this, make an appointment early on to familiarize your child with it. You could also bring your kid along so they realize that dentists aren’t anything to be afraid of. If you want to find a reliable dentist, then check out the link:

Reward Your Little One 

Practicing good oral hygiene is hard work so reward your child when they've made progress. For instance, create a table every day of the week. Then, when they've completed a successful brushing day, your little one can add a gold star to celebrate.   

Know The Importance Of Brushing For Kids

Hopefully, you now understand the importance of brushing for kids.

Start by letting your child choose supplies, teach your kid to hold the brush, and take regular trips to the dentist. You should also make it part of their daily routine and reward your child after a successful brush. Good luck!

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