Save Your Smile: How to Prevent Tooth Decay

Out of the almost 8 billion people living on the earth right now, 3.5 billion of them deal with oral diseases. That means that, at any given moment, someone you're talking to may struggle with tooth decay or other oral health issues. If you don't want to end up in this percentage of the population, you need to know how to prevent tooth decay.

Our guide will show you everything you need to know, from oral hygiene practices to the foods to avoid. Once you're done reading here, you should have an easier time caring for your teeth.

Brushing Teeth Regularly Can Prevent Tooth Decay

As you might expect, regular oral hygiene goes a long way towards preventing the buildup of tooth decay. This means brushing your teeth at least twice a day and using floss or a water pick to clean between your teeth and get rid of food and plaque.

However, another key part of brushing your teeth that can get neglected or forgotten is to use mouthwash. Not only will it keep your breath smelling fresher, but it can kill the plaque and bacteria that cause tooth decay.

Stay Hydrated

Many of us are severely dehydrated and don't even know it. Hydration is crucial to keeping your body's systems functioning as they should, including your saliva. If you stay hydrated, you can prevent the plaque that causes cavities and decay from building up in the first place. Plus, if you stay hydrated, you give your body a chance to recover from any unhealthy foods you eat.

Cut Down on Sugar and Acid

Caring for your teeth depends as much on food as it does on your oral hygiene. We've all heard that limiting sugar consumption is a key part of preventing cavities. That's been pounded into our heads since childhood.

Less obvious, however, are the negative effects that acidic foods like citrus and coffee have on the enamel of our teeth. Once your enamel is gone, there's nothing to protect your teeth from the effects of your diet. Meaning, your mouth will succumb to tooth decay much faster.

So, do what you can to reduce acid and sugar. It can help prevent tooth decay.

Visit Your Dentist

Lastly, you need to make it a point to visit your dentist at least once a year. Visiting your family dentist can allow you to spot problems before they require severe dental intervention. It can also help reduce or prevent the build-up of plaque. You can check out this dentist for more information about how they can help you have a healthier smile today.

Let's Review How to Prevent Tooth Decay

So, how can you prevent tooth decay? First, you should try to avoid foods that can contribute to it. Second, make sure you have a regular oral hygiene routine. Third, stay hydrated. Lastly, make sure to visit your dentist on a regular basis.

If you follow these steps, you can have a healthier, happier smile. If you'd like more tips on how to improve your oral health, check out our blog for more articles like this one.