Over 2 million people have sought help through AA and other recovery programs, and it’s easy to see why. When you’re new to sobriety, handling everything without drinking is harder than people realize.
If you’re not educated on the pitfalls of others, you risk repeating their mistakes. That’s why we’ve put together 5 of the most common early sobriety mistakes. If you can avoid these, it’ll help ensure that your recovery stays on track.
Read on to learn more about them.
1. Thinking You Can Do It Alone
Recovering from addictions is hard, and it can be tempting to think that you can do it by yourself. But the truth is that sobriety requires support from other people.
Having a sponsor can make all the difference in the world when working towards sobriety and staying on track with your goals. Think of them as your sobriety support network you can call on whenever you feel tempted.
Your sponsor should be someone who has been sober for at least a year. A newly sober mind may not have adequate experience to offer help.
2. Believing That Sobriety Is Easy
Early sobriety fatigue is a real aspect of recovery, and because it’s so easy for people to fall back into their old habits, you shouldn’t take sobriety lightly. It is a lifelong journey, an ongoing process of learning and growing.
If your new sobriety seems overwhelming, ask alcure.me for advice.
3. Expecting to Change Immediately
Many people who enter recovery expect to change the second they walk through the door. This is a mistake, and if you’re expecting to change overnight (or even in weeks or months) then the process will disappoint you. It’s important to understand that genuine change takes time, so don’t set yourself up for failure by setting unrealistic goals for yourself.
4. Trying to Control Everything
The first thing to remember is this: recovery is a process, not an event. When you were addicted to alcohol, it was easy to think that you could control everything about your life. But this is not true, and it’s important to understand that trying to control everything will only lead you back into addiction.
5. Neglecting Your Health
The most important thing you can do in early sobriety is to develop a daily routine that focuses on your overall health. This means making time for things like exercise, nutrition, sleep, and stress management. These activities keep the body and mind healthy and help prevent relapse.
Get Help to Avoid Early Sobriety Mistakes
We hope that after reading this post, you feel more confident about your journey to sobriety. It can be very challenging, but it is possible to achieve success if you are dedicated and consistent with your efforts. Remember that you are not alone in this fight—there are many people who have overcome early sobriety mistakes and want to support you along the way.
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