What is e shram Card

As permitted by the data released by the government, there are near about 38 crores of the labourers which are eligible for e shram cards. eshram card is a 12-digit number that is an account number issued by the government of India to the unorganized working sector. There is also a portal released by government of India, which is called the e shram portal. With the e shramcard, card holders will be able to track their progress and employment history, they will be able to take all the benefits and services through this e shram card around the world.

E shramyojna is basically passed on by the Central Government of India, which is also known as (National Database of uncategorized Worker)detailed and complete information about workers of the unorganized sector. Direct benefits will be provided to the workers and process of registration is also very fast under eshram card scheme. Many development programs are included in this scheme like educational and skillful programs social security schemes and health insurance schemes etc.

They are the non-transferable cards and only be used by those which are issued to a single person.

It is totally a unique identification card which will have a unique identification number for unorganized workers.

Benefits of e-SHRAM Card

There are a lot benefits of e-Shramcard , workers will have more job opportunities, insurance near about Rs.2 lakhs( in case the person got disable or unfortunately got dead).

How to apply an e-Shram card

The E-shram portal has been launched by the central government, the labors can register there selves on e-Shram registrationand on its portal. While applying you should make sure the registered mobile number should be linked to your aadhar card. As, this scheme is basically providing pensions to the workers.

e-Shram registration portal online registration is done through its official portal website and that is Register.eshram.gov.in

To apply an e-shram card you need to follow the below steps.

Your Mobile No. should be linked to Aadhar card for a proper e-Shram registration.

·         To register just open register.eshram.gov.in on the Device.

·         Then after this enter your Mobile Number linked to your Aadhar card on E Shram Portal Register.eshram.gov.in for registering yourself.

·         Now, the page will ask your further details just enter them as asked.

·         You have to upload the documents like Aadhar Card and Bank Account Passbook. After filling the above details

·         Now, to enjoy the E Shram Card 2022 on register.eshram.gov.in.click on the submit button.


We are suggesting you to applye-Shram Card to get its benefits.

Eligibility for e-Shram card registration

Any citizen that belongs to India between the ages of 16-59 years, working for unorganized sector is eligible for e-Shramcard. This scheme benefits the workers who are taking daily wages, the workers who have signed some kind of bond, the workers which are moving from one to another place and the native workers.

Download Process: of e-Shram card

Following steps need to be followed for e-shram card download.

·         Click on the Log on to https://register.eshram.gov.in/#/user/self

·         Toregister yourself on the home page of e-shram card, select the “Self Registration” option.

·         A page will appearwhere you have to enter all the details regarding your mobile number which is linked with your Adhaar Card.

·         A captcha code will appear just fill in the code.

·         Two options will pop up of Yes or No for EPFO & ESIC.

·         E-shramcard download now will show the option send OTP once you get the OTP enter it.

·         Accept the terms and Conditionsafter Filling the Aadhaar Card number now, please select the submit button.

·         Fill theapplication form open in front of you,

·          You need to upload the documents once you dill the details.

·         The process is done here, submit the form and take a hard copy of application for future reference.

Per month benefits of eshram card

Rs.3000 per month is given by the end of the government to the workers as, the scheme is launched by the central government of India the scheme is PradhanMantri E Shram card Pension. The main focus of this scheme is to provide social security to the old age unorganised workers.

Students need to make e Shram card?

Yes off course but the conditions are, the students must permanent residents of India, the students age must be above 15 years. The applicants can register themselves, under the scheme through online registration mode.

Can I check my Eshramcard balance?

You have to enter your Eshram.gov.in on your device. Secondly, add the E Aadhar Card Beneficiary Status Check the links that are available. You have to enter the details of your labor card number either your UAN number or your Aadhar card number. Now in the last step you have to enter the portal and then you can see your E Shram Payment Status.

Registration ofE shramik

E ShramCard is what it hears to be like, but what it exactly is? UAN, it is called Universal Account Number, which is available on your Shram card.A universal sarkariyojna card is been issued by government to all the workers. This single card can give you thousands of government benefits and the advantages. By completing the registration process you can easily and possibly apply the UAN EShramcardafter the whole process.A Shramik card will also get assigned to you.

E Shramik Portal and what is it exactly

Prime minister has launched the e-Shram Portal. So that he can track all the data on workers of unorganised sector. Ministry has launched the E-shramik Portal. The collected data will help to develop the new schemes, like this we will be creating much more Job opportunities. It is a very easy process to register yourself as you have to just link your Aadhar card to a registered mobile no.

If now also you are not willing to do it yourself than the CSC Seva Kendra can help in registering to the candidate on the E-shram. When you apply it you will get a Unique Identification Number after you just apply the card.

This welfare program has been started to benefit the unorganized sector. This will help developing new schemes on the basis of collection of data.

This national level of scheme has been launched to help those unorganized workers which are playing a very significant role to envision the country.

The sector accounts almost 38 crores of the workforce workers, which are Asha workers, Anganwadi workers, Manrega workers, small sellers and many others reduced severally.

How to register online for the Shram Card

The e-Shram card will be accepted throughout the country. If any applicant is caught by accident he/she will get accidental insurance coverage by PMSBY. The government of India will be providing the Shramikswith a Shramik card.

As, this scheme been launched by the Government of India, and is being accomplished through the NDUW Shramik card Yojna. By registingonself on eshram.gov.in. ; taking the benefit by the Toll – Free written on the e-Shram card.

UAN-E Shramik cards list for Registration

While registering you should know the documents should be original, thebenefits are being distributed among almost 30 crore people. Which include different street and other vendors? The following document must contain all the correct details.

·         Name of the person

·         Work place

·         Permanent residential Address

·         Qualificationcertificates of the candidate

·         Expertiseskills and Experiences

·         Family Details as per family Id

·         Aadhar card identifier

·         Aadhar Card and mobile number should be valid.

·         Bank number of any bank

·         Aadhar card

·         IFSC code

E PortalFeatures

·         Laborers, street vendors and domestic workers will be connected through this portal.

·          BhupendraYadav, the Union Employment Minister has launched EA’s new employment portal and E Shramyojna.

·         38 crore unorganized sector workers will compile a national database through thee-Shram portal.

·         In this database.Aadhaar will also be seeded

·         Users have to enter the details like name, address, qualification, skill etc., to get registered into the portal.

·         The workers will be able to access many facilities, by using e-shram card.

·         An individual 12 digit record will be provided to all registered workers, which will be valid nationwide.

·         Various schemes benefits will be provided to the workers through these schemes.

·         This cardis making employment easier, as workers can be divided based on their work.

·         Workers will launch operating schemes through the database; the government will also be assisted in the process.

·         The Ministry of Labor and Employment will be responsible for this portal.

How to check status online for the UAN Shrimik card?

The eligibility and verification criteria is based on the UAN number and shramik Card. As mentioned above Aadhaar number, should be to the mobile number. Bank account details are also important to check the status of applicants who have applied online for an eShram Card eshram.gov.in portal where you can verify your details.

·         You have to fill in your login information.

·         You can enter your dashboard.

·         You will receive the link to download the E-Shram card in a short period, if the application is approved.

·         The status will not be approved, so you have to reapply.

·         To proceed, it will still show the status is in progress for you.


You have to carry the above listed documents to register yourself, in case you can’t help yourself there are a number of CSC centres that will help you. If you still have quires feel free to call toll free No. they are all time available for your help.