Imagine that you run a multinational company with employees all around the world. You need to send a message that updates everyone on new company policies. Additionally, you'd like more streamlined employee communication going forward.
That said, how does one accomplish such an extraordinary feat, especially when your employees work on different continents?
Fortunately, this article explores 5 innovative tips that make company communication feel like a breeze. Whether you have 10 employees or 10,000, you'll find something here to help you out. Sit back, relax, and read on for more!
Types of Employee Communication
First, we must establish the 4 different types of communication we can have with our employees: vertical, downward, upward, and horizontal. These serve as a precursor for any message you want to send.
Vertical communication involves people on different levels or hierarchies interacting.
Downward communication occurs when managers deliver messages to those under them (i.e., their employees).
Upward communication implies the opposite of downward communication, where employees deliver messages to their managers/employers.
Horizontal communication means that employees on the same level or hierarchy interact.
As such, we'll need communication methods that reach all of these people and their interactions.
1. Use the Right Media/Tools
Today, we have countless apps to communicate with each other. Thus, we must understand how they work and what to use them for. Our teams should also understand employee communication options.
For example, organize your communication platform through channels, chatrooms, or whatever else it offers. Ensure water cooler talk stays within its designated space. Ping everyone involved for company-wide announcements.
Better yet, use an entirely different medium (like email) when doing so.
Above all else, make sure everyone can access necessary information.
2. Specify and Personalize
Employees often find themselves changing course based on various circumstances each day. They need to know where they can turn for guidance. Remember to specify where they may seek help and specify what they must do to effectively complete a task.
Furthermore, you should also personalize how to deliver such messages. Different people respond differently to feedback. Adapt how you approach each employee so everyone can achieve the best outcome(s).
3. Collaborate
Whether everyone works in the same building or across the world, you all still work on the same team! Set aside time for synchronous meetings with employees so they can offer their input, brainstorm, and help each other out.
Make everyone feel appreciated and valued. Teach others to speak up.
4. Delegate
A company may grow to the point where employees need someone other than the head to report to. Delegate work and mitigate stress for both parties.
Split the company into smaller divisions with other leaders. This establishes a chain-of-command, someone employees can turn to for guidance. It also allows everyone a say in their work/company politics without their voices getting lost.
5. Make it Convenient
Above all else, business communication should remain easy. Would it be easier to email attachments through a work account or post them in a Slack channel? Would it be easier to host a synchronous meeting over Zoom or open a Google Doc with suggestions?
Communication differs per situation, but you ultimately want something open and convenient like this.
Communication Company-Wide
Overall, employee communication proves nuanced. You must adapt to the needs of your employees and company.
However, if done correctly, you can achieve an open, honest, professional workplace everyone can participate in.
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