International Driver’s License FAQs

Did you know that there are over 238 million licensed drivers in the United States now?

If you are an international driver visiting the United States, you may want to consider getting a license. The Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) and the law enforcement agencies throughout the state must recognize it. 

Would you like to know the answers to frequently asked questions about international driver's license?

Then, read on to learn more!

What Is a DL?

A driver’s license (DL) is a document that identifies you as a licensed driver in a particular country. It can simplify the process of renting a car and getting insurance while you are traveling.

If, for example, you are traveling to Italy, you may need an Italian driving licence exchange processing. They will take care of processing your Italian DL.

What Is an International Driver’s License?

An International Driver's Permit (IDP) or International Driver's License (IDL) allows you to drive a vehicle in another country. You can get one if you possess a current DL from your country.

An International Driver's Permit (IDP) is a translation of your regular driver's license into multiple languages. It can be helpful if visiting a country where the authorities do not speak English. You can get an IDP from your local auto club or the American Automobile Association (AAA).

An IDP is not a license, so you must always carry your regular driver’s license. It is also only valid for a year. You must get a new one once it expires.

What Are the Requirements for Acquiring IDL?

To acquire an International Driver's License or IDL, you must first meet some requirements. You must have a valid driver's license from your home country. 

You must also be 18 years of age or older to apply. You must have a clean driving record as well. 

How Do I Get an IDL?

To apply for an IDL, submit a completed application form, two passport-sized photos, and your original DL. You will also need to pay a fee. The application process and fee vary by country.

For example, in the United States, you can apply for an IDL through the American Automobile Association (AAA). Once you have an IDL, you can use it to drive in any country that recognizes it. 

How Long Is an IDL Valid?

An International Driver's License is valid for one year from the date of issue. However, you can renew it for an additional year if you remain a citizen of the issuing country.

It will also apply if you have a valid driver's license. You can renew your IDP by submitting a new application to AAA or any DL exchange company.

Drive Worry-Free!

An International Driver's License can be helpful if you are planning on driving internationally. It makes the process of renting a car and getting insurance effortless. 

Additionally, some countries require that you have an International Drivers License to drive. With an IDL in hand, you can drive worry-free while you are abroad.

So what are you waiting for? Gather all the requirements you need and get your own IDL!

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