What is the difference between React Native and React?

Leading in web and mobile app development technologies, React and React Native draw developers and businesses. It's crucial to understand the differences and uses of these two frameworks, even if they share certain ideas and the same origin.

Facebook developed and kept up the well-known open-source JavaScript library ReactJS. Its virtual DOM for quick rendering and component-based architecture transformed front-end development. Rich, interactive online applications, SPAs, and reusable UI components are best developed using React.

Using Facebook's open-source react native mobile app development platform, developers can create native iOS apps and Android apps using a shared JavaScript and React codebase. Unlike hybrid applications, React Native delivers seamless performance and user experience by immediately rendering to platform-specific UI components.

Developers and companies must choose the right technology stack for their projects as the demand for excellent web and mobile applications grows. This post explores the key distinctions between React and React Native and how a reactjs development company may use each.

What is react?

Facebook created and maintained the open-source JavaScript library React, often called ReactJS. Initially intended to create user interfaces (UIs) for online applications, it completely changed how front-end developers approached the task.

Key features of react

       React uses a component-based architecture, which breaks up the user interface into modular and reusable components to improve code maintainability and reasonability.

       React uses a virtual Document Object Model (DOM) version of the real DOM to minimize the number of costly DOM operations, optimize updates, and improve speed.

       React presents JSX, a JavaScript syntax extension that enables programmers to create HTML-like code within their JavaScript files, improving readability and comprehension of the code.

       React ensures better control and predictability of the application state by supporting a unidirectional data flow, which passes data from parent to child components.

Use cases of react

       Building intricate and interactive single-page applications (SPAs), including web apps, dashboards, and admin panels, is commonly used for react.

       Simple components to whole pages may be dynamically and responsively created for websites using React.

       React's component-based design makes it perfect for building reusable user interface components that can be reused between projects or included in current codebases.

What is react native?

Built on the same design ideas as React, Facebook developed the open-source React Native mobile app development framework. It lets developers use a common JavaScript and React codebase to create native mobile applications for iOS and Android.In the current Stack Overflow Developer Survey, 37.9% of developers use React Native, the most popular mobile development framework.

Key features of react native

       React Native uses native components particular to each platform to ensure the app appears and feels native on each one.

       React Native offers live reloading, which spares developers from having to rebuild the whole app to see their changes right away.

       React Native encourages code reuse, but it also allows developers to create platform-specific code as needed, thereby maximizing performance and using native features.

Use cases of react native

       React Native facilitates and reduces the expense of creating and maintaining cross-platform mobile applications by using a common codebase.

       Building Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) apps is made possible by React Native's interaction with native components unique to each platform.

React and React Native: Key Differences

React vs React Native vary primarily in a few ways, even if their fundamental ideas and syntax are quite similar:

1.    Target Platform

       React was built to create browser-based web apps.

       React Native is striving to create native iOS and Android mobile apps.

2.    Rendering

       React: Modulates the browser's DOM and renders components using a virtual DOM representation.

       React Native: Using native UI components unique to each platform (e.g., UIView for iOS, View for Android), React Native renders components without modifying the DOM.

3.    Performance

       React: As it works within a browser, the rendering capabilities of the browser and other variables like JavaScript execution speed might affect React's performance.

       React Native: By taking advantage of the device's native rendering capabilities, React Native provides a more seamless user experience and faster performance by directly rendering to native UI components.

4.    Development environment

       React: Usually, code editors, bundlers (like webpack), and transpilers (like Babel) are used to build React apps.

       React Native: The React Native CLI, toolchains particular to each platform (such as Xcode for iOS and Android Studio for Android), and emulators or real devices for testing are all part of the specific development environment needed for React Native development.

5.    Third-Party libraries and plugins

       React: From UI libraries to state management solutions, React benefits from a large ecosystem of other libraries and components created especially for web development.

       React Native: Although many React libraries are available to React Native, other features, including interacting with native APIs or accessing device hardware, also need platform-specific native libraries or plugins.

Choosing between react and react native

In the primary decision-making, the type of platform that one will want to use in developing the app, as well as the precise requirements of the app will predetermine if one is going to choose React or React Native.

Project needs

       It is clear if one is to develop a browser-based web application.

       That is why if your objective is to build a native mobile application for iOS, Android, or both at once, it is preferable to use React Native.

User experience and performance

       There is one particular area where the usage of React may outcompete the traditional methodologies of web development. That area is the design of the online applications that necessitate user interface together with performance.

       With its own native UI elements and widgets, with the rendering, React Native is the most appropriate choice for those mobile apps that need the performance of the native environment and interactivity of the apps.

Legacy and team experience by silence

       Concerning the technological stack, development and sustaining an existing React web application may be less work with the same technologies.

       If your team is familiar with native mobile application development or has experience in one particular platform, whether iOS or Android, with React Native you may likely spend some hours studying and incorporating the application.

Ecology and community

       React has more support and activity on the internet and currently has many more libraries, tools, and resources available.

       As new and diverse communities of developers contribute to the React Native application, more research and composite work may be needed to support platform-native libraries and plugins.


React and React Native are two of the strongest technologies for developing web and mobile apps with distinctive characteristics and purposes. As mentioned before, React focuses on building engaging and engaging web applications as well as ultra-fast, natively-built mobile applications for iOS and Android.

The choice between React and React Native depends on the specifics of your project, the platform you are targeting, the demanding dynamic, the existing codebase, and the team members you have. Recognizing the key distinctions between the two and taking into account such parameters as code reuse, the experience of developers, and popularity among communities should allow for choosing an optimal option depending on project objectives.